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[ARSCLIST] TAPE publishes survey of audiovisual collections in Europe: Tracking the reel world

With apologies for cross posting.



'Tracking the reel world' presents the results of a study on audiovisual
collections undertaken in the framework of the TAPE project. Based on
data collected from hundreds of organizations from all over Europe, most
of them archives, libraries, museums (and research) institutes that hold
audiovisual recordings as minority collections, this is the first
extensive report on preservation and access of sound and moving image
materials outside the broadcasting sector and large audiovisual


The report shows that a rich diversity of audiovisual materials are held
in all types of institutions, but that obstacles in managing them are
experienced by many. The study provides estimates on the size of
collections, on the presence of specific carriers and their condition.
It also presents data on deteriorating materials, obsolete equipment,
cataloguing backlogs, and lack of expertise - all problems that are
reported frequently.


The report documents how non-specialist institutions employ new
technology for preservation and access of audiovisual materials and
concludes that uncertainties about the rapidly evolving digital
environment make progress hesitant. Valuable and often unique recordings
run the risk of being left behind. The promise digitization holds for
easy access and survival of endangered materials can be fulfilled only
with more support for minority collections in their transition to the
digital world.


Ordering information:

Tracking the reel world: A survey of audiovisual collections in Europe

Edwin Klijn and Yola de Lusenet

ISBN 978-90-6984-546-3


Copies can be ordered from the ECPA Secretariat at the address below.
Anyone requesting a  single copy will receive this free of charge.


The report is also available as a PDF file at 

<http://www.tape-online.net/docs/tracking_the_reel_world.pdf> (2.520



The TAPE project, Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe,
http://www.tape-online.net <http://www.tape-online.net/> , is supported
by the Culture 2000-programme of the EU.



European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) 
c/o Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 
P.O. Box 19121, NL-1000 GC  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Visiting address: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, NL-1011 JV
T ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39   
F ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41 
http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/ <http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/>  



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