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[ARSCLIST] NON-serious reply to: Fairchild 654 Compatilizer -- what is this thing?

Sounds like it might be worth acquiring...if only because if I were ever
to be in an emergency crisis, and someone cried out, "Omigawd! This poor
man MUST be compatilized IMMEDIATELY!!" I'd be ready to leap into 

That said, I'm not sure if (a) my garden...(b) Ecru the cat...or (c)
some or all of my 78rpm phonorecords need to be "compatilized"...now
or in the foreseeable future. However, it might be valuable to have
one on hand should the need thereof arise...

Besides which, should one or more miscreants break into my abode and
confront me with various weaponry...all I would need to do is to
reach into my pocket, my bureau drawer, my rear storeroom, and/or
the Oshawa Armoury (as required)...pull out my handy device...and
freeze them in their tracks with a valiant cry of "One more step
and you shall be instantly and completely compatilized!"

BTW...is there a "compatilization" tax, and is it based on "X
cents/dollars/zlotys per successful compatilization?!"

And...is "Lack Of Compatilization" considered grounds for divorce
in any known venue? Is it called "Incompatibilisability?"

"It's a joke, son...a JOKE!" --Senator Claghorn and/or Foghorn J.

Steven C. Barr

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