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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: New word? / technical term?

--- Barbara Need <nee1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > [P]lugin adds an -intro_ and [an] _outro_ to an audio [file].
> >
> > I'm not hip enough to this stuff to know what an "outro" is.

Old broacasting term.  The intro is when the host or announcer
introduces the show.  The outtro is the same thing at the close
of the show.  I worked on a radio program in the 80s in which
the host and co-host would set up a bit of business at the 
start of the program (say, one of them got a speeding ticket).
They'd talk about it at a break in the middle of the show,
then the story would be resolved in a final conversation at
the end of the program.  I dubbed these elements the "Intro",
"Mid-Tro" and "Out-Tro" in the recording logs.  :-)

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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