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[ARSCLIST] TAPE workshop on the curation and preservation of audiovisual collections, Glasgow, UK, 12-16 May 2008

TAPE workshop on the curation and preservation of audiovisual

University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Monday 12th - Friday 16th May 2008 


Online registration now open at:



This five-day workshop will provide an intensive grounding in the theory
and practice of audiovisual archiving, enabling curators to develop
strategies to safeguard their collections.  The training will be led by
a range of expert film, video and audio curators from across Europe.
They will address issues such as the handling and storage of analogue
originals, digitisation and restoration, managing digital assets and
enabling access and reuse.


The workshop will begin with an overview of curation challenges,
addressing factors such as carrier composition, life expectancy and
obsolescence.  The emphasis though will be placed on practice, using
case studies and workshops to enable delegates to develop solutions for
their specific context.  By the end of the workshop delegates will be
able to identify which of their collections are at most risk of loss, so
work can be prioritised, and will be able to recommend policy changes to
improve the management and dissemination of collections.     



The workshop will be run by Humanities Advanced Technology and
Information Institute (HATII) at the University of Glasgow, as a
continuation of the training programme established by the EC funded
Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe (TAPE) project, which
was co-ordinated by European Commission on Preservation and Access
(ECPA) and ran between 2004 and 2008.

Course directors: Sarah Jones, HATII & Richard Wright, BBC Archives  


Delegate information

The workshop is aimed at curators responsible for audiovisual
collections.  As this is an introductory course it is suited to curators
without specialist audiovisual training.  No specific technical
expertise is required.  The workshop will be conducted in English so
delegates are expected to have a working knowledge of the English
language to be able to participate.


Course fee: GBP 400

Fee includes a course pack, refreshments, lunches and a conference

Registration closes on Friday 21st March 2008.  

Places are limited so register now to avoid disappointment. 


Please register online at:


Further information?

Contact Sarah Jones at: S.Jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:S.Jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   ++44 (0)141 330 3549

or write to 


11 University Gardens

University of Glasgow

Glasgow, G12 8QJ




European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) 
c/o Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 
P.O. Box 19121, NL-1000 GC  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Visiting address: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, NL-1011 JV
T ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39   
F ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41 


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