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Re: [ARSCLIST] Folkways Reissues

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I just wish more archives like Folkways and Emery Cook were under arrangements
like the Smithsonian
> and I'm happy to pay their prices to get this material. There are so many jazz
and classical
> recordings out of print and not viable for reissue by mega-glomerate
economics. The overly-long
> copyright restrictions guarantee that generations will have difficulty hearing
this music. Now, we
> see a few signs that the megaglomerates are getting some sense and making some
of their out of print
> stuff available through things like iTunes and ArkivCD and similar, but it's
too little material
> trickling out and as a customer I resent the sub-par sound quality of standard
99 cents iTunes
> downloads and thus will not pay for them.
One hopes/prays/crosses fingers and/or toes/wotever that the current
review of Canadian copyright legislation (see my earlier post!) will
NOT include an attempt by our government (in spite of its worship
of the US of A...?!) to extend the term of copyright on sound
recordings to something resembling the "eternity+50 years" term
currently in use "south of the border"...?!

One MAJOR problem is that the megaconglomerates who, through
mergers and such, own the US of A copyrights on about 99% of
music EVER recorded...are ONLY interested in reissuing the
<1% of their treasures that can guarantee the mega-PROFITS
they are used to...?! IOW, I don't plan to hold my breath
until the recently-created BMG-Sony megagroup reissues "The
Greatest Hits Of the Peerles Quartette"...?!

In a word...FEH!!

Steven C. Barr

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