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[ARSCLIST] 2008 Conference Sponsor/Exhibitor Invitation

To all Publishers and Vendors,

The 42nd Annual ARSC Conference will be held in Palo Alto, California on March 26-29, 2008, and hosted by Stanford University. Planning is well underway, and I can assure you this will be an event that you won't want to miss. With a pre-conference workshop on "Grant Funding for Audio Preservation" and nearly 50 presentations ranging from "The Playback of Grooved Media" to "Fifty Years of Ampex," we expect to attract a record number of conference attendees.

The conference will offer many opportunities for showcasing your company's products and services.  If you'd like to sponsor a specific event and receive maximum brand recognition for your company, now is the time-these are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, and several prime events have already been spoken for. Your sponsorship will be rewarded with multiple online, on-site, and printed acknowledgements. Your logo and message will reach the full ARSC membership, totaling some 1000 people.  Major sponsors will receive a number of additional benefits, including logo placement on the ARSC website, advertising in the conference program, exhibit tables, and inserts in the conference registration bags.

Sponsorship levels start at just $150. To obtain a complete list of sponsorship levels and benefits, please email me at the address below. Additional information for exhibitors and vendors, including a registration form, is also included on the site: http://www.arsc-audio.org/conference/exhibit.html.

We hope that we can count on your support and participation. Please contact me as soon as possible with your requests and questions. Sign up now as an official conference sponsor and your company logo will be immediately added to the conference website!

Brenda Nelson-Strauss

ARSC Conference Manager



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