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Re: [ARSCLIST] Panorama of Musique Concrete..le Help!

I have the second volume, not the first, but dubbed the first onto tape at
OSU circa 1987. Some of the tracks combine two titles into one. Listen (or
look, in your audio transfer program) for the breaks between pieces, rather
than on the vinyl, and the listing should be correct. Don't ask me why they
paired certain things up this way, although I think it was to demonstrate
certain genres within Musique Concrete, which again leads to the question as
to whether some of these "examples" might represent incomplete pieces. 

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

Maybe music was not intended to satisfy the curious definiteness of man.
Maybe it is better to hope that music may always be transcendental language
in the most extravagant sense. ~ Charles Ives

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Lennick
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:20 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Panorama of Musique Concrete..le Help!

Volume 1 is what I have, with the titles as you've listed them. Problem is, 
there are 9 tracks on Side 1 and 4 tracks on Side 2, but the jacket and
list 8 and 5 respectively, and the descriptions on the jacket match the
that are clearly identifiable. There's no description for Musical Box, just
acknowledgment of its existence, and the notes refer to ending each side
specific pieces.

Here's what I believe to be the correct order, but if anyone knows which
is "Musical Box" (I've guessed), please let me know!

1.  Trifle in C (Henry & Schaeffer) (1:52)
2.  Drum--Fleeting Percussion (Henry) (2:12)
3.  Flute--Mexican Flute (Schaeffer) (3:07)
     Two Aspects of the Piano:
4.  i.  Study for Piano (Schaeffer) (3:55)
5.  ii. Finale of the Concerto of Ambiguities (Henry) (2:03)
6.  Unidentified..possibly Musical Box (Philippe Arthuys) (3:29)
     Music Without a Title (Henry):
7.  5th Movement (3:15)
8.  6th Movement (2:59)
9.  Study for Whirligigs (Henry) (or is it Musical Box?) (1:53)
10. The Veil of Orpheus (Henry) (15:35)
11. a. Sound Effects--Railway Study (2:49)
12. b. Poetic--Pathetic Study (3:21)
13. c. A Single Sound Source (2:52)

Spike Jones is clearly audible in track 8 (chunks of "Down in Jungle Town").


Karl Miller wrote:
> David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   ***Is anyone out there familiar enough with the Ducretet-Thomson
Panorama of  Musique Concrete LP to be able to tell me what the hell is
actually on each  side?
>   Is this the disc? DTL. 93090 also 8 also 320 C 100
>   The OCLC record states:
>   1. Classical: Trifle in C (Henry and Schaeffer). 2. Instrumental
studies: (a) Drum--Fleeting percussion (Henry); (b) Flute--Mexican flute
(Schaeffer); (c) Two aspects of the piano; (i) Study for piano (Schaeffer);
(ii) Finale of the Concerto of ambiguities (Henry). 3. Expressionism 1952:
Music without a title--5th and 6th movements (Henry). 4. Primitive 1948:
Study for whirligigs (Schaeffer). 5. Dramatic cantata: The veil of Orpheus
(Henry). 6. Three directions: (a) Sound effects--Railway study (Schaeffer);
(b) Poetic--Pathetic study (Schaeffer); (c) A single sound source
(Schaeffer). 7. Musical box (Arthuys).
>   or in French
>   Bidule en ut / Pierre Henry ; Pierre Schaeffer -- Batterie fugace /
Pierre Henry -- Flûte mexicaine / Pierre Schaeffer -- Etude pour piano /
Pierre Schaeffer -- Final du Concerto des ambiguités / Pierre Henry -- Tam
tam III / Pierre Henry -- Musique sans titre / Pierre Henry -- Étude aux
tourniquets / Pierre Schaeffer -- Le voile d'Orphée / Pierre Henry -- Étude
auz chemins de fer ; Étude pathétique / Pierre Schaeffer -- Boîte à musique
/ Philippe Arthuys.
>   or Volume 2 DUC 20001? also DUC 9 also LDG 1501
>   Classique: Tam tam IV ; Musique de films: Astrologie ; 3 essais sériels
; Vocalises / Pierre Henry -- Étude / Michel Philippot -- Classique:
Symphonie pour un homme seul (nouvelle version) ; Morceau de genre: Oiseau
R.A.I. / P. Schaeffer ; P. Henry.
>   I may have volume one at home and can listen.
>   ***Fun to hear Spike Jones in there..this LP was referred to in the
thread on "scratching" but could actually start a new one about "sampling".
>   Hummm....how about quodlibet...
>   Karl

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