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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dolby B

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Whisler" <bwhisle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >I have dealt with many old cassettes and have no solution to offer 
> >beyond deciding by ear which sounds the best.  I usually find old 
> >cassettes lacking in high frequency content and apply EQ if I am 
> >preparing access copies.  You simply have to decide which playback 
> >settings will require the least EQ.  Of course, your tolerance for 
> >tape noise is a factor too.
Okeh...first, define "old!" I have cassette tapes (still playable)
which date back to 1968 or '69...!

Second...the question also depends on HOW they were recorded...and
from WHAT source...?! The former could be anything from "with a
single mike pointed at the record-player speakers" on up (albeit
not very FAR up...?!)...and the latter could be anything from
"old Victrola," through "standard 5-tube radio," through "another
cassette machine, same type, miked," to "sophisticated-for-its-
time 'stereo system' with the "Line Out" of a cassette deck cabled
to the "Line In" of the system...!" I made my '68-'69 tapes using
the first method above...not very "hi-fi," but then again age and
a number of head injuries have rendered my EARS "low-fi"...!

Steven C. Barr

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