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Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recorded Sound Preservation Study documents

I keep looking for my written testimony to be posted.
Is there a problem with it?


Karl Miller
--- Stephen C Leggett <sleg@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> We are placing documents relating to the National
> Recorded Sound Preservation Study at the following
> site:
> http://www.loc.gov/rr/record/nrpb/nrpb-clir.html 
> We have recently added:
> 1) written comments received for the study.  A few
> more remain to be added (we're addressing some
> compatibility issues) but they should be up shortly.
> 2) RealAudio files of testimony from the Los Angeles
> and NY public hearings late in 2006.  In coming
> months, we will put up the written transcripts from
> the hearings (we're still in the process of editing
> the texts sent us by the transcription service, and
> later sending those out to the speakers for review) 
> We anticipate publication of the study in November
> 2007.  
> Thanks, Steve Leggett

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