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Re: [ARSCLIST] off-topic: guilty pleasure in hi-fi demo records

While there is something to be said for money/collector records,I think any record that has survived 100 + years,and is NOT a commonly seen/oft-reissued Victor Caruso,or whatever,is of inherit historical value.


"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

If a given phonorecord happens to be the song to which our mythical Joe
Gabroni first danced with the lady whom he eventually married (and stayed
married for 50 years or so...!)...and JG happens to have a whole bunch of
"spendin' cash"...and he runs across it either on a paper "auction list"
or on eBay...well, there will be a bid well exceeding any presumed "value"
in "official value guides"...! I once bid seven bucks and change on a copy
of Oriole 100...simply because I had no idea such a record had existed,
and I was actively researching the early discography of the Oriole label!

The hapless dealer may well still put $5 minimums on his early Oriole discs,

Second question: even the very common (and thus $0.25) item still has its
inherent historical value, based on its position in the history of the
record industry! Paul Whiteman's first Victor disc exists in vast numbers,
and is thus financially all but worthles. That does NOT change its "historic

Sadly, the collecting of phonorecords...even, in many cases, 78rpm shellac
phonorecords...has become deeply connected with the inevitable number-based
"MY RECORDS are worth more than YOUR RECORDS" interpersonal conflict, which
is based on the dominance hierarchy battle built into Homo Sapiens on an
instinct-level basis! And...it is much simpler to compare NUMBERS than to
compare abstract/personal-level valuations (aka "THIS is my very favourite
record!" et al...!

However, consider that this concept of "record collecting" puts our shellac
archives on the same level as our neighbour's accumulation of "Beanie Babies"
(TM Reg'd in all lands!)...where having an original "Jake the Snake" with a
fully-intact and unmarked PUCE tag, as opposed to the later ecru tag, makes
it worth several gazillions of dollars in cash money, as well as a larger
amount in "personal hierarchical position"...!

Steven C. Barr

Steven C. Barr

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

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