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Re: [ARSCLIST] quotation marks in lists?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Trey Bunn" <treybunn2@xxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks for your input, everyone.  I knew about song titles being put  
> in quotes (and albums in italics); my question was whether or not it  
> was right to do so in a numbered list.  It looks clunky and  
> unreasonable, plus it hits too close to one of my pet peeves: the  
> overuse of quotation marks.  You know, like when you go to the  
> grocery store and the sign says, TODAY'S "SPECIAL": BOILED PIG'S BUTT  
> -- "FRESH!"
That common mistake is based on a misconception held by many folks...that
surrounding a word with quotes somehow increases its inherent vehemence!!

Thus, we get such grammatical disaters as "ABSOLUTELY "NO" TRESPASSING"...!

I regret that I have but one * for my country...

Steven C. Barr

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