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Re: [ARSCLIST] Is The Record Shop Dead?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> Actually organized record collecting goes back before 1940,with the rise of
Hot Record Society,and other such labels.Condition os uber-important to many
"shellacophiles" too.Especially in classical,and postwar R&B/early rock,the two
main genres of 78s I collect.Don't believe me ? Try selling lower condition
1) "Organized record collecting" seems to have started well before that...but
was pretty well restricted to classical...mainly vocal records in those early
days. "Record Changer" first appeared around late 1941, mainly as a collection
of records for sale...but quickly started including historical articles in
its contents, I think in the next year. Delaunay's "New Hot Discography" first
appeared, IIRC, in 1938...around the same time as the HRS reissues. Finally,
the first "jazz reissue discs" were in an early Victor album set...a collection
of Bix sides (some of which were alternate takes, but most likely because the
"second-best take" metal parts were unworn...?!

2) REALLY early 78 collectors (in the area of jazz) had the advantage of
sometimes finding store-stock copies (except, of course, of REALLY rare
jazz records, like the Morton Rialto or the Ory Sunshines...!). Blues
collectors (a subset who probably started sometime post-WWII?) had to
take their "wants" in whatever condition they could be found...usually
WELL below mint! By the time 78 collecting really took off (fifties,
sixties...) one almost never saw a mint-condition 78...original sleeve,
unmarked/unscuffed label, etc.! In fact, I once bought a quite nice copy
of an original Billie Holiday Brunswick from her 1935 session...for just
over $2! The dealer was advertising in Goldmine, and the listing said
"paint on record!" Turned out the former owner had put his/her/its
initials in the run-out area...so the disc, which was in E condition,
played very nicely...!

Steven C. Barr

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