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Re: [ARSCLIST] Is The Record Shop Dead?

On 01/07/07, Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:

> http://www.terramedia.co.uk/Chronomedia/years/Edison_Telephonoscope.htm

That's the picture. I have a better reproduction in a Dover book.

Du Maurier is an interesting artist.

> Not quite as early as 1857, but there is a drawing by George du
> Maurier in the Punch Almanac for 1879 showing the use of a wide-screen
> videophone for talking to your relatives in Australia. The screen is
> about 8 feet wide, and both the parents in England and the daughter in
> the Antipodes are talking into speaking tubes.
> The caption is "Edison's Telephonoscope (transmits light as well as
> sound)". 
> Du Maurier might have been disapointed to find that as late as 2007
> most phones are still sound only, and the screens are tiny.

Don Cox

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