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Re: [ARSCLIST] Digitization of Paper Archives

Karl Miller wrote:

>On the other hand, I do wonder if some of Tom's response came from a 
reflection of the "old ways," coupled with having to address the basic 
>preservation/conservation needs of an immense collection, with minimal 

"With minimal resources"??? This institution can apparently afford to 
spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on collections, but has 
"minimal resources"? The shame here is that of all places, Austin can 
afford to do a bit of scanning and associated metadata work, but chooses 
not to for no actual good reason whatsoever (other than that they can't 
figure out how to spend the money). At the same time, because of its 
wealth, it makes it less possible for other institutions with fewer 
resources to get collections because everyone now thinks that if they 
can't get top dollar for their stuff they might as well let it rot.

I would also add that many, MANY institutions (such as the one I work for) 
take in collections because of their intellectual and historical 
importance, not because they provide "visibility and prestige...good 
press". Sure, they play up collections that are sexy, why shouldn't they, 
especially if it may inspire some fundraising? But that's truly only a 
small portion of the materials that most archives take in. It's an insult 
to hard-working archivists everywhere to continually assert that, on an 
instiutional level, none of them care about accessioning important 
historical collections. Don't let the rotten experience you've had with 
your employers color your attitude towards an entire profession, please.

Matt Snyder
Music Archivist
Wilson Processing Project
The New York Public Library

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