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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio Restoration on the Cheap -- Quo Vadis?

I would call inexpensive less than $200 USD.

Thank you, this looks like the ticket...


phillip holmes wrote:
How much is "inexpensive"? I think the Shure M78S is a safe bet in a clunker and will get the job done. If you want to step it up a notch, visit http://www.kabusa.com/frameset.htm?/index.htm and scroll down to *78 RPM PHONO CARTRIDGES. *Check out the custom series from Expert Stylus Company in England.

Frank Wylie wrote:

Can anyone recommend a reasonably inexpensive cartridge/stylus combo to play 78s on my Benjamin Miracord 40A?

S. Frank Wylie
Independent Motion Picture Specialist
Dayton, Ohio

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