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Re: [ARSCLIST] RIP: EMI / let's clear the air

Where can I get Irv's reminicences about his years at Capitol Classics ?


Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Also Capitol's classical recordings by Irv Joel, plus the Blue Note jazz library, plus Capitol's 
sometimes interesting jazz and pop library.

Also, EMI started the trend of big Euro companies gobbling up America's pioneering independent 
record companies. Philips grabbed Mercury next. EMI handled Capitol smartly in a big way -- Capitol 
execs made decisions about how USA Beatles albums were put together up until Sgt. Pepper. The 
booklet in the latest "The Capitol Albums" set tells how US execs smartly put together shorter, 
hit-driven LPs that sold millions of copies, more than the George Martin/Beatles-sequenced UK 
albums. Biggest example is the Help/Rubber Soul/Beatles Yesterday and Today sequence. Capitol USA 
sold 7 million LPs all told of those three. The songs comprised basically two UK LPs that didn't 
sell nearly as many copies. Also, Capitol managed what some might have considered a glut of great 
material for maximum hit and hype, so Beatlemania only gathered more steam heading into the 
mid-60's. If EMI had imposed the European albums on the US audience, the Beatles might never have 
been as big here. And EMI also understood they had a unique culture in the Capitol Tower and didn't 
mess too much with success throughout the 60's. Compare to what the parent company was doing, and 
the corporate culture (er, some would call it stiff and House of Lords-ish) vs. the freewheeling 
L.A. style at the Tower.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] RIP: EMI / let's clear the air

> Pink Floyd,The Yardbirds,Blur,The Hollies,The Shadows,Badfinger,Master's Apprentices,The Move and 
> early ELO,"Shakin' All Over" by Johnny Kidd and The Pirates.There is a lot to celebrate from EMI.
> Oh yeah,the classical stuff is great,too.I happen to be listening to Ginette Neveu right now.
>                                   Roger
> Robert Hodge  wrote: All I can say is HUZZAH  for EMI and the wonderfull recorded 
> heritage
> that they have left us.
> Especially in the fine transfers accomplished by Anthony Griffith.
> As one who has  enjoyed for many years, the recordings of Sir Edward
> Elgar, Eric Coates, Arnold Bax, Sir Thomas Beecham, Edward German and a
> host of other celebrated conductors and composers, I can honestly say
> that if not for EMI , my shelves would be extremely lacking in fine
> music !
> Thank You , EMI !
> And yes I like the Beatles, as well as the Black Dyke Mills Band.
> Very Sincerely,
> Bob Hodge
> Robert Hodge,
> Senior Engineer
> Belfer Audio Archive
> Syracuse University
> 222 Waverly Ave .
> Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010
> 315-443- 7971
> FAX-315-443-4866
> ---------------------------------
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