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Re: [ARSCLIST] Assistance Please with Russian Waltz


I wanted to thank Mike Aylward on list for his solution to my problem, and
for all others who tried to help. I had run into mention of Kuss, Margarita
Ivanova, who looks like a very interesting composer, but I could tell that
she was born too late to have written "Amur's Waves." I did take note of
Lajos Kiss, and at one point, I considered whether the piece might actually
be of Hungarian origin, but in the end determined that it merely has
appeared on some Hungarian recordings.

Steve Abrams - 

> I would put my money on Steve Smolian and suggest that Dave Lewis should 
> find a copy of Danube waves and listen to it.

Thanks Steve - ironically, I listened to Danube Waves just a couple of weeks
ago, as I have a recording of it by Miklos Rozsa and was reviewing some
recordings by him for use on my radio program in honor of his 100th
birthday. "Amur's Waves" has a strange and distinctive sound - it begins in
a minor key and has a very gloomy atmosphere for a waltz. The Amur River is
the sixth longest river in the world and it forms the border between the
Russian Far East and Manchuria. It was the site of several battles during
the Russo-Japanese War, most of which turned out very badly for the Russian

"Danube Waves" is by Jan (or Ion) Ivanovici. 

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

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