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[ARSCLIST] Liberate your quad reels

Sorry for the cross-posts.

I will repeat an offer I made about a year ago for anyone with 1/4" quad reels. If you want to liberate your tapes to DVD-Audio (playable on most DVD players), 4 discrete channels, please ping me off-list. I am always interested in getting new quad material into my own collection so I'm happy to do the transfer and DVD-A authoring for you. I use a Tascam 44 deck (last generation, excellent pro-grade mechanism and better than earlier electronics), which is definitely more than good enough for any mass-duped tape. I now also have 4 channels of Dolby B NR, and a decent portion of ye olde quad tapes were duped with Dolby.

Also, I just upgraded to Soundforge 9, which allows for Dolby AC3 authoring for surround. Need to learn this but when I do, I can burn DVD's with standard AC3 encoding, which means they will play on any DVD player. You need an AC3 decoder and analog outputs on the DVD player or on your preamp/receiver to get surround out of AC3.

So dig out your old quad reels and ping me off-list. How often does someone offer up an A-D transfer for free?

-- Tom Fine

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