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Re: [ARSCLIST] Suggestions for small and tough and hopefully not too costly DV camera

...which *is* a 3CCD camcorder. Quality should be markedly better than the
Sanyo. That's also *very* reasonable for 3 chip. Or it's simply been that
long since I've looked at one! I'm still soldiering along with a Sony
CCD-TRV950 as far as tape goes. The difference really shows up in low light
conditions. Unfortunately recent Sony efforts aren't to the same standard
and the flash cameras work so well that for casual use there's no sense in
lugging the other around.

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Miriam Meislik
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 2:27 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Suggestions for small and tough and hopefully not
too costly DV camera

Well, we finally dove in and bought a Panasonic SDR H200.  So far we are
more than pleased with it.  It is unbelievably light.  It also truly
fits in the palm of your hand.  I am a very small person and I find it
comfortable to hold.  My husband who is definitely larger, also finds it
very comfortable.  The screen has a nice resolution and the control are
all logically placed.  I can stop, pause, play, and pretty much control
the camera with my thumb without disturbing the camera.  It takes
reasonable stills.  I think the audio is fine.  I haven't really had the
chance to push this camera's limits yet, but I hope to do that really soon.


This site is the only one I have found to show the rear of the camera



Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:

> I would be interested in this,too.I would eventually be interested in
doing DIY news,and political activism shorts,and uploading them to
YouTube,LiveLeak,etc.  .
>                                    Roger
> Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi All:
> Sorry for the cross-posts here.
> I am looking to buy a DV camera to take hiking and other travels.
> The requirements are:
> 1. small and light, hopefully smaller and lighter than a digital SLR
> 2. rugged and needs to have reliablly long battery life.
> 3. simple to use. I am no advanced videographer here. I just need
something to take good video and
> not be hassle to use. As close to the equiv. of a point and shoot camera
or fully-auto SLR camera
> would be great.
> 4. cost is a factor. I do not need the latest greatest HD camera. Good,
crisp NTSC is just fine
> unless HD stuff is cost-effective and as small and easy to use.
> 5. either decent built-in sound quality or a jack for an external mic.
> 6. digital output so I can load the video onto my hard drive and burn
DVD's. Firewire and/or USB is
> fine.
> 7. I'm assuming anything I'd want uses tape. The format would best be
cheap and readily available.
> In my experience, I tend to have a bias against Sony products, but I'd
consider one if it were head
> shoulders better for the same cost. The problems I've had with Sony have
always revolved around
> stupid design or, more often, crappy build quality and zero customer
support. I very much like our
> little Canon point and shoot -- in fact it's what's gotten me keen on
video. I love my Nikon D70 SLR
> but it is big and heavy and there are some situations where I'd rather
shoot video to tell the whole
> story.
> I don't see me making long "creative" "movies," more like short hits that
are more about "this is
> what I see right now" visuals where the scenery is too big and too
spectacular for my photographic
> skills to tell the story in a still image.
> Hopefully, I'm describing what I need correctly. I don't know enough about
digital video to say "I
> need these specific specs." That's what I'm hoping to gleen from your wise
> Thanks in advance for all help/suggestions.
> -- Tom Fine
> ---------------------------------
> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

Miriam Meislik
Media Curator
Archives of Industrial Society
University of Pittsburgh
7500 Thomas Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412)244-7075	voice
(412)244-7077	fax


When your mouth drops open, click the shutter.
--Harold Feinstein, November 11, 2001

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