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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Business vs. Music Business: The Shakeout Continues.

You still have to do the work of bringing traffic to where you are.MySpace and YouTube are great for promoting your music.YouTube,in particular is always trying to help out unsigned acts.Not only music,but videographers,filmmakers, comics,amimators,what have you.Both sites do a lot to help you get your work out there.YouTube has lots of tools to help you make better clips.If you want to start a group,for just unsigned musicians,there is nothing stopping you.If you have quality clips in your group word will get out,and you will draw people.I don't see the problem here.


Bob Olhsson <olh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: -----Original Message-----
>From Mal Rockwell: "... go to the Disc Makers website and you'll see that
having about 500 
CDs pressed and packaged only runs around $1000 (and I'm being very 
general here) with many options. The rest is up to the performer, as 
quoted above. With the internet being what it is today marketing can be 
only a small problem..."

Replication and record production have NEVER been a major part of the
expense of being an artist or a label. I don't even think they are all that
much cheaper than they used to be, quiet as that's kept by the folks who
sell gear and replication.

As for the Internet, it's utterly amazing to me how ineffective it has been
as a promotional and marketing vehicle for new artists now that we have more
than ten years of experience with it. In the '90s we could legitimately talk
about its potential but today most of that talk has proven to not be very
meaningful. It's little different than saying with Yellow Pages listings
being what they are, marketing can be only a small problem.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com

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