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Re: [ARSCLIST] Boston Pops question

The 1954 one is one of the first three records RCA made for commercial release.The Lp (LSC-1817),came out four years later.It is one of the legendary Living Stereos.Before it was reissued by Classic Records in the late 90s,it sold for as high as $850.00-$900.00.Now it runs about $350.00.(I bought mine at a Sallie  Army.)It was also issued on a stereo reel tape,in 1956.There are some very good transfers of 78s on Camden.I own most of them,which I bought in a single group for twenty bucks.I do not have the "Gaite",but most of the Camdens are 78 transfers.I would assume it is the '47,but I think there is an earlier "Gaite", by Fiedler,that dates from the late 30s,but I may be mistaken.I have not seen a complete discography of Fiedler,like I have for Koussevitsky,or Munch.(This would go back to 1933 or '34.)

While on the topic of Fiedler,I would like to see a listing of all of the RCA Custom/Special products Lps that came out that were not sold in stores,in the 50s and 60s.You know, like the John Hancock 100th Anniversary record,and "Just Your Cup of Tea" issued for Salada Tea,in 1960.


David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: As far as I know the Boston Pops recorded Gaite Parisienne 3 times: on 78s in 
1947, on LP in 1954 and again in 1958. The 1954 version was LM 1817 (mono of 
course) and per the Fiedler discography I have, it was reissued in mono and 
stereo on Victrola VIC/VICS 1012. The 1947 version seems to have been issued on 
45s (ERB 13) minus side 7 (which appeared later on ERB 82).

Here's the question..was the version issued in 1958 on Camden CAL 438 the 1947 
one or the 1954 one? The sound is pretty mediocre, although not as atrocious as 
most of those 50s Camden "Fidelity Plus" wobbly transfers of 78s. (I know, I 
know, they got the Beethoven 7th right. That's about the only one.)


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