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Re: [ARSCLIST] AM radio...Re: [ARSCLIST] NAB vs. DIN recordings

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "phillip holmes" <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:16 AM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] AM radio...Re: [ARSCLIST] NAB vs. DIN recordings
> Most modern AM radios are horrible.  They have way too much roll off and 
> cause listener fatigue (because of the phase anomalies, in my opinion).  
> Those classic tubed consoles from the 30's-50's are SO MUCH better.  One 
> of these days I'm going to find a HH Scott to listen to sports and the 
> local R&B/soul station. > 
Don't you mean an E.H. Scott? HH was the later manufacturer of hi-fi and
stereo gear.

I have an E.H. Scott 800-B, dated 1946 (when it cost $1,600, which was
about $4-500 more than a new Chevrolet sedan!). 24 tubes, solid mahogany
(veneered with MORE mahogany!) cabinet, both chassis chrome-plated...
25-watt output into a coaxial speaker, with a 15" main driver. It's now
in storage in Milwaukee...but when I had it in Toronto I could bring in
WGN (Chicago) at high noon...!

Mr. Scott left the firm shortly after the 800-B was designed...the company
and "goodwill" were later sold to a maker of ordinary radios, which "died"
in a couple of years as TV pretty well ended the "luxury radio" business
and household radios all became 5 (sometimes 6) tube AC/DC "All American
Specials"...mostly AM-only until stereo FM gave buyers a reason to listen
to that band...!

Steven C. Barr

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