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Re: [ARSCLIST] well, this might explain why so many sonic treasures languish in government warehouses

"Andes, Donald" <Donald.Andes@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  ***I think if the Smithsonian has set the salary, and they pay it; then
it's their business. No one in this forum knows the reason behind the salary, or really how compitent the man is at his appointed job.

  As a non-profit tax exempt organization it can be our business if we choose. We can "vote" with our money, or with our withholding of money. We can point out the facts to those who would consider donating. 
  Then there is the question, do all of the curators at the Smithsonian believe they have the resources to deal with their collections? Do they believe such a salary is appropriate?
  Let us not forget the recent stories of art museums selling off items which were placed there as the public trust...and the resulting funds being spent on things other than preservation. 
  It is very difficult for me when I see something that looks clearly to me like a misuse of donated money. What does one do? Do you stop donating and encourage others to do so? I guess it comes down to the notion of whether or not you trust the trustees and their motivations...and perhaps their priorities.

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