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[ARSCLIST] call for submissions - apologies for cross posting


Greetings all



Richard Billeaud

RBC Consultant


ENS Louis-Lumière

The National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School


June 1st and 2nd, 2007 Paris International Seminar

in partnership with FIAT, INA and FOCAL


Mastering the transition between

Standard Definition and High Definition TV

in AV production and post production



Call for submissions


HDTV is there. Technology is now available and cost effective. HD TV is a highly potential market for production and remastering. Digital High Definition will greatly influence the way TV programmes will be produced and diffused. This will lead to changes in the complete production and post-production film and video workflows.


Public and commercial broadcasters, national audiovisual archives and technical companies catering to the broadcasting industry, programme and footage producers are all directly concerned by this technological evolution.


In the current transitory period between two technologies, it is essential to fully understand the technical, artistic and economical challenges of the transition from Standard Definition to High Definition. The main changes in daily practice and in long term strategies need to be correctly evaluated, both for programmes production and post-production and for their preservation and storage.


The Louis-Lumière National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School aims at standing at the forefront of professional concerns in an ever-changing technological environment. Three years ago, Louis-Lumière School started to get involved in High Definition and is now the first School for Cinema to have invested in a HD platform. 


The Louis-Lumière National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School, in partnership with FIAT, INA and FOCAL, organises a 2 days International Seminar June 1st and 2nd, 2007, to help all those concerned by the outstanding issues challenging broadcasters, programme producers, archivists and managers in this transition from SD to HD.


This Seminar intends to explore all these issues and perspectives. 


We expect contributions for the 4 sessions as set in our preliminary programme.

Preliminary programme :


June 1st, 2007 : 

Morning : Basics of High Definition TV. This session will provide all necessary information on TV HD and will introduce the relation with Cinema (HD and 2K, 4K Cinema data). DRM. Carriers : HDCAM, SD, HD D5, HD XDCAM … LTO, SDLT, HDD, HD DVD ROM (essence and metadata). Ultra high definition (NHK).


Afternoon : From SD to HD. This session will explore the video and audio technical and artistic issues of the transition from SD to HD, both in production and in post production. Aspect ratio (from 4 :3 to 16 :9), equipments, compression (MPEG4, MJPEG 2000), audio remastering. Tools : scalers, up converters, aspect ratio converters. Current SD-HD conversions solutions, their limits, pros and cons. Cathode-ray and flat screens. Storage : a matter of size ? Economics of SD to HD conversion. Economics of HD compared to that of SD : up and downs, where HD is more affordable …


June 2nd, 2007 : 

Morning : SD and HD : happy to live together ? Broadcasters, footage and programme producers, and archivists will have to face the many issues of combining and mixing archive SD material with new HD material. Issues such as :

-        up conversions tools and solutions, workflows, quality to cost ratio, pros and cons, strategies,

-        options for 4 :3 conversion to 16 :9, aspect ratio converters. 4 :3 to 16 :9 … the side pillars of wisdom ? 

-        impacts of up conversion. 

-        what level of quality can be expected in audio remastering into 5.1 ? 

-        can we draw some best practices? 

-        who is going to pay for it ? 

-        footage producers' points of view. 

-        relation between HD and hybrid production and post-production workflows and standards of diffusion (compression). 

-        digital SD intermediate

-        HD as an alternative to 16mm film preservation ? Blowing up 16mm into 35mm via HD 2K scan.


Afternoon : case studies on SD use in HD production and post production. The goal of this session is to bring together content producers, caretakers and archivists, managers, service providers and vendors to give concrete examples of different approaches (in-house and outsourced solutions). All topics of sessions 2 and 3 may also be reviewed through case studies in this last session.


Presentations and Q&A will be translated from French to English and from English to French. 

Call for submissions : An important goal of this Seminar is to present a balanced programme of theory and practice. The programme is intended to address topics of concern to diverse perspectives and constituencies and to archivists at all levels of experience. We invite the submission of high quality papers that present the state of the art, report original research or critically discuss underlying methodological issues associated with the main themes of the Seminar.


Submissions are expected for :

-     topics presentations of a maximum 40 minutes (35' for presentation and 5' for Q&A)

-     case studies: maximum 30 minutes (25' for presentation and 5' for Q&A). There should be case studies where a solution has been created in-house, and case studies where a solution (or a part of a solution) involved outsourcing to a service provider or a vendor. Case studies should show projects that are active, or were recently completed.

Presenters of topics presentations and case studies should submit an extended abstract of 1000 words. Speakers who are accepted to give topics presentations are also requested to submit a full paper (no PowerPoint Slides) for publication of the Seminar Proceedings.


Proposals are due 1st week of march 2007. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to authors. Final copy of full papers for publication of the Proceedings should be received by May 24, 2007.


Important reminder : Speakers will be granted free registration. All other expenses (travel and accommodation, etc) must be secured by institutional or personal funding. The Editorial Board's task is to ensure a balanced and professional programme that will meet the expectations of the participants.


Registration : Registration will be opened on March 12, 2007.

Registration fees  : 

-           250 € for early bird registration received before April 20, 2007

-           300€ for registration received after April 20.

Registration will cover : access to the conference room (2 days), translations, coffee breaks and lunches, access to exhibitors' stands, and proceedings. 

Hotel reservations will be handed over to an organisation that will offer a wide range of hotel categories and rates in Paris centre. 


Seminar Venue :  The Louis-Lumière National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School is located East of Paris, a 25 min ride on RER from Paris centre.


Information and contacts : Information regarding the final programme, registration and accommodation will be posted on our website (www.ens-louis-lumiere.fr <http://www.ens-louis-lumiere.fr/> ) and FIAT and FOCAL will release this information. 


Any request should be addressed by mail  : r.billeaud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

by phone  : +33 1 48 15 40 27 or fax  : +33 1 48 15 40 12





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