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Re: [ARSCLIST] Richard Nanes


I'm glad to hear from someone who likes and has found a use for Nanes'
music. I could never make any sense of it myself; it didn't seem to
penetrate into the "real world" so far as I could see. But it has.

I also want to congratulate you on your concern for music in the Dentist's
chair. I had a teeth cleaning yesterday that lasted close to 90 minutes, and
the silence was deafening! Also, I once went to a dentist who had his radio
tuned to the local classical station with little concern as to what was
playing, so I had my wisdom teeth extracted to the strains of Ernest Bloch's
"Schelomo." I haven't been able to listen to the piece since.

I remember back in the 80s I had some dental work done with a pair of
headphones on, with one channel of white noise and the other of music. It
worked pretty well in helping to distract from pain, but soon the practice
discontinued. Whatever became of that school of thought? 

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

"Never treat an audience as customers-always treat them as partners." - Ted

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Frank Strauss
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:15 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Richard Nanes

On 1/31/07, Karl Miller <karl.miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> And speaking of Nanes, does anyone know anything about his story.
> Ah, Richard Nanes.  I first heard his Nocturnes of the Celestial Seas in
the early 1990's. I think on WMHT, Schenectady, NY fine music station.  I am
a dentist in my day job, and cannot work without listening to music. (no
screams please)   I was enchanted by the relaxing arpeggio effect of the
Nocturnes, and tried to get the cd.  Ended up in NYC at Record Hunter? in
Manhattan.  They had a few cd's of the Nocturnes and one of the sales people
said that they expected more, and that somebody came over from NJ with the
cd's.  I started playing the Nocturnes in the office, and several times a
week was asked what the beautiful and relaxing music was.  I got a phone
number for Delfon, somewhere in north Jersey, and called to see if I could
get more of his recordings.  I bought all of the cd's, I think there were
three more, and they threw in, at no charge, everything they had on
cassette. The woman who took my order said her husband was also a dentist,
and people in his office loved the Nocturnes. Nanes did a concert for WMHT
down along the Hudson River toward NY, early to mid 1990's, that
unfortunately matched up with a snow storm, and I don't think did well.
Alas, the other cd's proved to be not relaxing, and although we still listen
the the Nocturnes, I have not listened to the others in years. I noticed
that Mr. Nanes has a nice website, and is still actively composing and
concertizing.  Even if you don't like his music, you have to give credit to
somebody that believes enough in his own stuff to make if happen.

Frank B Strauss, DMD

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