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Re: [ARSCLIST] Rosemary Brown

No doubt others will know more on this but at least some of her "works" were published in the late 1970s-1980s by B. Ramsay (Eastwood, Essex) and more recently by Keturi (Rimsting, Germany) according to a quick search of cataloging records in OCLC's WorldCat. That search also turned up a recording (Intercord INT 160.819) dated 1977 with the title "Kompositionen aus dem Jenseits"...

Hope that's useful--Mary

At 01:49 PM 1/29/2007, you wrote:
Does anybody know about the works that were supposedly channeled by,or automatically written by Rosemary Brown ? Specifically were all of these works ever published.If not,why ? For the uninitiated,Mrs.Brown,was the British housewife/spirit medium,who supposedly transcribed unpublished works of Bach, Chopin,Stravinsky,Schubert,Grieg, Debussy, Rachmaninoff,Liszt,Beethoven,and others,with no formal musical training.Regardless what you think of these works, or their alleged sources,the scores need to be out here for the world,and future generations to decide.

Mary Huismann mailto:huism002@xxxxxxxxxx
Music Original Cataloger
Univ. of Minnesota (612) 625-6658 (voice)
160/170 Wilson Library (612) 625-3428 (fax)
309 - 19th Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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