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Re: [ARSCLIST] Shostakovich, was Re: [ARSCLIST] early CD bashing

Probably because he played it too slow. The crappy off-speed 1967 reissue didn't help. I'd love to get hold of the Rodzinski broadcast but a collector in Japan won it a few years ago..doesn't have a record player, wasn't interested in selling or renting it or having it transferred..


Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
The Toscanini is eleven records.

David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Only 8 discs, actually. Or 2 LPs (on Allegro, with some parts being alternate takes).


phillip holmes wrote:
Isn't that like two stories high of 78s?
Hey, I like the Shostakovich 7th. Especially Steinberg's performance (yup, on Musicrap 78s).


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