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Re: [ARSCLIST] Libraries disposing of records

As someone who makes records everyday for a living using both analog tape and Pro-Tools systems I can say that ultimately
a well-aligned Studer multi-track with high output analog tape recorded thru a Neve desk and mastered to an Ampex ATR-100
series customized 1" stereo inch machine does sound amazing and it may still sound better than even the finest digital system- a Pro-Tools HD rig can produce astoundingly good results. As a die-hard analog devotee even I must admit that the gap between the two worlds is being narrowed every day and that in the end superior mics and pre-amps placed in a great room with superb musicians and compelling songs are really what matters, when all is said and less is done. And this is coming from a guy with a 5 figure analog home stereo system...The Loudness War is really the result of radio stations compressing things to death and to place the blame on the labels alone is really just a facile answer to a more complex problem.

Aaron Levinson

Parker Dinkins wrote:
on 1/6/07 2:16 PM US/Central, Roger and Allison Kulp at
thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

How then do you explain the reluctance of many rock artists,and producers to
record digitally,or the indie rock analogue boom/revival,in the 90s ?

Might have something to do with the 'loudness war'?


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