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Re: [ARSCLIST] Interesting WSJ Article on when libraries should discard their holdings.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Brock-Nannestad" <pattac@xxxxxxxx>
> We have laws in Denmark, and
> I am sure elsewhere, where it is forbidden to cull and collate information
> from daily newspapers and store it, so that it is historically accessible, if
> the information relates to personal data. This is part of data protection.
And what such laws do is effectively make genealogical research impossible,
since it consists of accessing personal data (official or otherwise) on one's
ancestors, be they living or (usually) dead!

In fact, would discography be possible...or even legal...since it consists
of determining which individuals played on which sound recordings...?!

This logic, taken to its ultimate extreme, would render illegal ANY
preservation of ANY data, on the grounds that it might someday be
used for some possible illegal/immoral/usw. purpose in the future...
and therefore should be destroyed in the present!


Steven C. Barr

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