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[ARSCLIST] December 19 Public Hearing in New York

For anyone who might be interested in attending, I've listed some information below on a Tuesday, December 19 Recorded Sound public hearing, to be held at The Princeton Club of New York.  This hearing will serve as part of the process to prepare the National Recorded Sound Study and Plan. On November 29 we held a public hearing in Los Angeles. Below is a list of witnesses scheduled to testify.  Names and times subject to change. Thanks, Steve Leggett
More info on the study can be found at: 
http://www.loc.gov/rr/record/nrpb/nrpb-clir.html  Transcripts of the hearing will be placed on that Web site in the weeks following the hearing. 

***Please note: If you plan to attend, the Princeton Club requires "business casual" attire,  so no shorts, blue jeans or t-shirts please.****
National Recorded Sound Preservation Study Public Hearing
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Princeton Club of New York
Prospect Lounge (2nd Floor)
15 West 43rd Street
(between 5th and 6th Avenues)
New York, NY 10036 
 (Times are approximate)
9:30 Welcome and summary of purpose of the hearing
 Introduction of representatives of the NRPB
 Invitation for Board representatives to offer any brief opening remarks
9:45  Panel: Preservation Challenges and Practices at Archives and Libraries
  Sara Velez * Assistant Chief * Rodgers and Hammerstein Archive of Recorded Sound, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts 
 Chris Lacinak * representing the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and the Audio Engineering Society Technical Committee on Archiving, Restoration and Digital Libraries
 Emily Holmes, *  Assistant Director of Preservation Reformatting, Columbia University, on behalf of Janet Gertz, Director of Preservation, Columbia University Libraries 
 Barbara Haws * Archivist/Historian, New York Philharmonic 
10:45  Panel: Copyright and Academic Research 
 Thomas Porcello * Associate Professor, Anthropology and Director, Media Studies,
 Vassar College
 Clifford Murphy * PhD. Candidate in Ethnomusicology, Brown University, Mellon Dissertation Fellow in the Humanities in Original Sources
11:10 B George--Executive Director of the ARChive of Contemporary Music
11:35 Don Waters * Program Officer for Scholarly Communications, Mellon Foundation
12:00 Tim Brooks * Music historian, writer, discographer and bibliographer
   Chairman, Copyright Committee, Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) 
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30 Michael Feinstein * Musician and music historian/archivist, and Member, National Recording Preservation Board

2:00 Panel: Preservation of Radio Collections
 Andy Lanset * Archivist, WNYC, New York Public Radio
 David Julian Gray * Senior Architect, Content Systems, National Public Radio 
 David Freedman * General Manager, WWOZ, New Orleans
 Chris Sterling * Professor of Media and Public Affairs and of Public Policy and
    Public Administration, George Washington University, and Member, National Recording Preservation Board  
3:00 Panel: Writing About Historic Artists And Ensembles, and Performing Their Music 
 Will Friedwald * Journalist, author, critic and historian of jazz and popular music  
Dan Levinson *  Professional clarinetist, arranger, performer and music historian
3:30 George Blood * Safe Sound Archive, Philadelphia, PA
 Adrian Cosentini * Audio / Preservation Manager for the New York Philharmonic 
4:15  Dan Sheehy * Director and Curator of Smithsonian-Folkways Recordings
4:40 Closing remarks, observations or discussion by panel of NRPB representatives
5:00 Adjournment
Note: Princeton Club requires business casual attire.


Steve Leggett, Program Coordinator
National Film Preservation Board
National Recording Preservation Board
Library of Congress (4690)
MBRS Division
Washington, D.C. 20540
p: 202/707-5912
f: 202/707-2371
email: sleg@xxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.loc.gov/film/
Also visit the Web site of our charitable
affiliate, the National Film Preservation 
Foundation at


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