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Re: [ARSCLIST] InSearchOf: Batch Editor to REVERSE WAV files

On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 09:54:53PM -0500, Richard L. Hess wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering which software you folks might be using to batch 
> reverse WAV files.

Ecasound <http://eca.cx/ecasound/index.php> a free, open source
package, primarily for Unix OSes, does an excellent job of batch
audio processing, including file reversal, sample rate conversion,
and even some effects processing.  I haven't tried to get it working
on Mac OSX for some time, but it should work.  Also, I've seen some
information that it can be made to work on Windows under the Cygwin
<http://www.cygwin.com/> environment.




A boast of "I have beens,"   | Daniel G. Epstein
quoted from foolscap tomes,  | Audio Engineer
is a shadow brushed away     |
by an acorn from an oak tree | Rootlike Technologies, Inc.
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