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[ARSCLIST] Airchecks and news reports from the 1950s and early 1960s

I am researching radio stations with predominately black audiences from
the years before and during the early civil rights movement as part of a
museum project.  Specifically, I am looking for airchecks and news
reports from these stations that could be edited together with music
from the era to reproduce the experience of listening to radio during
that time period.  


Does anyone know of a collector who specializes in this type of
material?  I have found a couple of websites that include airchecks from
WLAC in Nashville by DJ's such as Bill "Hossman" Allen, Gene Nobles and
John "R" Richburg.  I would like to find the people who may own* this
material, as well as airchecks/news reports from other similar radio
stations of the era.  I would also be interested in the same from
station WDIA in Memphis.


Does anyone know where I might find them?  I am in the process of
contacting the stations directly, so am looking for other routes.


Thanks in advance for your help!




*NOTE - I understand that "own" is perhaps not the correct word.
Possess?  And to reassure anyone who is concerned about copyright
issues, I would be sure to obtain the appropriate permission from the
stations (if still in existence) as well as the DJ's themselves or their




Suzanne M. Whitehouse

Research Coordinator

Monadnock Media, Inc.

Phone: (413) 665-1390

Fax: (413) 665-1394

Email:  suzanne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx



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