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Re: [ARSCLIST] The ways CD's and DVD's can fail.

Bob Olhsson wrote:
Jerome Hartke wrote:
Quantitative test results are evaluated in accordance with the appropriate
ISO standard.

How do you define "far less reliable"? This sounds rather qualitative.

Around one in twenty have been bad. Sounds like this ISO standard is pretty misleading.

One failure in twenty discs - if failure means replacing a file or a disc - is disastrous. It also signifies systematic error such as faulty media and/or excessive burn speed. (NOTE: While burning CDs at too low a speed invites trouble, my experience with writable DVDs is that while they are optimal at 2-4x, they take well to writing at 1x.)

Whatever is wrong, it may pay off for you to check your sources' operations to help them reduce failure rate. I get something like that error rate - but only because I'm mechanically incompetent and frequently put the disc into the drive cocked or drop it or otherwise do mechanical damage. I cannot recall a failure of a good disc properly handled - CD or DVD.

Of course, erasables are another story. Their reliability and fragility are deservedly notorious.


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