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[ARSCLIST] Dolby S/N Stretcher

I had a strange experience transferring a OP Vox Candide LP to CD for a friend. The master tape of this album was recorded in Japan ca. 1970; this was a US pressing. It appeared that one channel was **significantly** louder that the other. I wanted to adjust for it, but decided it best in the end not to monkey with the signal.

Vox LPs of this vintage boast something called a "Dolby S/N Stretcher." I'm assuming that the S/N stands for "Signal to Noise." Does anyone here know something about this device, how Vox may have used it, and where it was used in the chain?

It was weird. It could have originated with the Japanese source recording, or just be the result of a bad mixdown or mastering job. But it would be useful to know is this effect relates in some way globally to stereo Vox LPs.

Dave Lewis                   

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