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Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recorded Sound Preservation Study

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Well, "in print" would have to be defined in detail in the legislation,
> > so that pressing three copies in Hooflungdung, Lower Slobbovia would
> > NOT count...
> >
> > Steven C. Barr
> >
> >   
> You mean there's a Hooflungdung in Lower Slobbovia AND one in Alabammy? 
> Wonder who Herr Hooflung was, to be so honored?
> dl
Well, one presumes that the community in the New World was probably
named by homesick Lower Slobbovian immigrants brought in to herd

(Actually, I learned the expression, used to describe a theoretically
distant but actually nonexistent locality, from my late English ex-
mother-in-law (thus "ex" in both senses of the prefix...?!)

I also learned another one in the USAF...rather more colourful but
totally unsuitable for an e-mail list catering to mixed company!


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