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[ARSCLIST] Rock jazz sax obscura question

Does anyone have any info on what became of rock/jazz New Jersey sax player Herb Larson? As far as I can tell, he made one album, for Command, "Sax Appeal", in 1969. Web research turns up nothing else. His sound is interesting. To my ears, it very much foreshadows Clarence Clemons and the "Eddie and the Cruisers" Jersey sound, which supposedly harkens back to the 60's Jersey club scene, of which Larson was a part.

So, anyone know what came next for this guy? According to album notes, he was a 400lb club player discovered by a Command A&R man -- this was long after Command was sold to ABC. He was married and in his mid 30's at the time, again according to the notes. No info on the album as to who his backing band was but they might be "The Group" that Dick Hyman worked with at that time (Bob Haggart on bass, Bobby Rosengarden on drums and I can't speculate on the wild fuzz-pedal-free guitarist).

OK, any info appreciated. This album is surprisingly good, musically speaking.

-- Tom Fine

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