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Re: [ARSCLIST] Acetate tape discolours tape box

--- Robert Hodge <rjhodge@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> If it manifests itself the same way it does in cellulose acetate
> motion
> picture film, at its' worst , it will shrink, warp severly ,and
> become
> sticky to the extent that it will not pass through a headnest. It
> will
> also cross contaminate otherwise stable stocks.

I've got a 16mm episode of "Perry Mason" that has severe
vinegar syndrome.  The film is buckled badly longitudinally,
and the wraps around the reel are flat in places, making
sort of an octagonal rather than circular wrap.  The
paint is peeling from the inside of the film can and
the metal spindle hole in the middle of the otherwise
plastic 2500' reel is rusted.  I've been keeping it in
my garage, but in preparation for burning it I moved
the reel outside.  Now every time you walk past the
garage you get a strong smell of vinegar.  If anyone
would like a few feet of this film (or, for some
perverse reason, the whole thing) for their own
inspection I'd be happy to send you some.

It's a shame this film went.  It was just slightly
buckled when I got it about 20 years ago.  It was
one of the good episodes with all of the original
cast members.

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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