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Re: [ARSCLIST] Are we at the end of the road musically??

There's still plenty left undone. I love blue grass and ska versions of "hit tunes". At least good for a laugh. I refuse to believe that it's all been done. There's plenty of mileage in interpretation of existing tunes and the turntablist (AKA DJ) movement has come up with some interesting amalgams.

Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
What about the 18-20 year old guys,I saw at the record show last week,buying Living Stereo Munches,and London Furtwangler Lps ? What about the 12-15 year old kids I saw,buying early soul 45s ? Classical,and blues aside,(How's that for an odd pairing ?) there is no longer much interest in pre-WWII recordings.Most of the young people who buy old records have the same tastes,as I do,in classical,rock,and R&B.(I am 46 years old,so grew up with the the music of the 60s,and 70s.)It is odd,how most of those who came of age before,1955,have never accepted rock,and give it the brush off.Something so diverse,and eclectic,gets blown off with the snottiest of remarks.I still don't get it.It used to take someone who very open mided to embrace music that was not of thier time.Woody Herman surrounded himself with an ever-changing group of young musicians,who continually introduced him to new sounds.By 1970,he was doing charts of Hendrix,The Band,and John Coltrane.By 1978,he was doing
Steely Dan,and collaborating with Chick Corea.Woody was the exception,though.I can say,however this mindset is dying,thank God .The boomers,are the last generation,to associate music with "nostalgia",whereas,the younger generations,view music on its own merit,outside,of the era,in which it was recorded.
Roger Kulp
Don Cox <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 06/10/06, Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx wrote:

Whatever people call music, it is entirely a creation of the mind of
the individual, molded (programmed) by that person's lifetime
listening experience, which may, but nowadays likely will not, include
historical musical forms.

I think it always will, but "history" for a person who is young now means the 1970s and 80s. I think most will go back at least as far as Hendrix.

This may be related to the time of early
life when language can be easily learned.

I think the music you hear as a young child has a big influence. For someone who is 20 this year, that would be what was on the radio in 1978-84.

Certainly most of the
current new music, popular and serious, is as unintelligible to me as
a foreign language. But jazz and even the waltz were thought such by
the older generations of their times.

I think it was Rimsky who said of Debussy's music "Better not to hear
it. You would only get used to it, and you could end up liking it."


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