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[ARSCLIST] MAGNA-REEL Sound Recording Tape

Hello all - 

Just wondering if anyone had any info on "MAGNA-REEL Sound Recording Tape", circa 1949-1951 (metal cans, 5" reels).

I have a number reels that I need to transfer (1/2-track mono 3.75 ips).  About half of the reels in question appear to be fine, the other half appear to be dehydrated and squeal upon playback - both physical squealing when you listen with your ear close to the tape passing over the playback head, and audible high-frequency "squealing" on the digital transfer.  The problem tapes also suffer from edges crinkling, as well as some delamination of the oxide layer at the head and tail of the reel.  

I have not done a heck of a lot of work on "problem" acetate tape of this vintage before, but I suspect that rehydration is what I am looking for.  I have heard of several methods of rehydration bandied about by members of this list - most of them low-tech in nature as I recall.

If anyone has had specific experience or success resurrecting tape from this era, I would be grateful for any and all guidance.

Thanks - 

dave nolan
92nd Street Y

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