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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp

Steven C. Barr wrote:
>Well, in most cases the inaccuracy of frequencies created by playback
>at a different speed that the one used for the recording shouldn't
>have a substantial effect on the accuracy of the playback curve
>compared to the recording curve.

The effect becomes noticeable at the extremes of the response curve.  The
2dB (roughly) that I mentioned earlier were observed at the upper limit of
the curve.  Depending upon how sensitive one's hearing is in this range,
it may or may not be a significant factor.  Judging by some of the
comments I have read on this list, I daresay that it would be critical to
a few...


Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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