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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp

At 09:56 PM 9/9/2006, Steven C. Barr wrote:
Oddly enough, I suspect there may be...based on a rather odd turn of
experience! About 20-odd years ago, I had a Heathkit receiver...forget the
model. Anyway, it had been written up in audio magazines as probably the
best receiver then available...and it had (I think only in FM stereo mode)
a "Phase" control which could be used to put the two stereo channels in
correct phase (a problem so far not mentioned in this thread).

All I know is (was) that the control had a very noticeable effect on
the sound!

What did this control do, exactly?

Did it:
change polarity on one channel?
change polarity on both channels?
use an all pass filter to continuously adjust the phase of one channel to the other?
change the stereo "width"?
other mode?



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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