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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation media WAS: Cataloguing still :-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
> For some reason, none of this discussion (at least, none that I've read) 
> dealt with the other dimension of resolution, the depth of the signal. 
> We are accustomed to an eight-bit scale (24 bits for three colors) on 
> images since that is more than one can usually see in a print, but more 
> can be used just as a scale with more than 16 bits can be used in 
> capturing audio. This would then get into elaborate discussion of 
> half-tone printing, linearity of dye sublimation and more than I believe 
> fits here.
And this also gets into the accuracy of preserved colour information
(i.e. a colour photograph, a printed image taken from such, a digital
image, usw.) versus the actual appearance of what it/they represent.
And THAT gets into differences in the sight of different individuals...
and the ever-present possibility that we DON'T all see the same exact
colours, but each one of us has learned to call a certain colour that
we DO see "green"...whether or not it is actually the same thing...?!

To me, Agfa 35mm slide film looked like reality (or what I SAW as
reality) than other brands...

Steven C. Barr

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