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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp (was: WHY save as WAV's when Mp3's can do???)

Bob Ohlsson wrote:
>It's in the setups library, a file called "Pre-_De-Emphasis.xps" It
>sounds especially nice at 88.2.

I have looked and such a thing does not exist in my WAVES Diamond bundle.

Specifically, the Q10 setups folder includes the following:

22Khz sampling.xps
Bandlimit filters.xps
bass-sepn Demos.xps
Crossover fx.xps
Distortion fx.xps
EQ filters.xps
Hum Removal setups.xps
LR setups.xps
Multimedia tools.xps
Plateau setups.xps
Semi-Tilt setups.xps
Stereo Eguitar.xps
Stereo pan.xps
Tilt setups.xps
Try These First!.xps

Nothing resembling "Pre-_De-Emphasis.xps" appears in any of my setups
files for any of the WAVES tools.  Methinks it has been removed or I have
been ripped off.


Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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