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[ARSCLIST] Speed correction, was Re: [ARSCLIST] Can 78s sound better than LPs?

According to my research, after WWII US power companies were synchronized,
with the nominal frequency maintained within +/- 0.5Hz.

See http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~daniel/back/yanczer/motordrv.html and

There is equipment available that provides a resolution of 0.02Hz. It then
becomes fairly easy to make **basic** (not definitive) speed corrections
using the hum signature. It's more difficult to find the hum signature on
professional, studio recordings, but presumably it's not as important in
those cases anyway.

Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
CD Mastering + Audio Restoration

on 8/26/06 6:22 PM US/Central, Tom Fine at tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> In fairness to most reputable manufacturers, their decks were set up to leave
> the factory running at 1 7/8 IPS. BUT, most cassette decks employ a belt drive
> somewhere in the works (and many consumer decks employ several belts and one
> motor). The net result is that the mechanics loosen up over time. Then the
> speed fluxuates. This can happen pretty soon after manufacture if the
> environment is temperature-varient and conducive to rubber deteriorating. Yeah
> cassettes, just not the highest of fi mediums! And we won't even discuss the
> typical portable cassette recorder, which was probably not accurate the day it
> was made (not talking about higher-end machines like the SuperScope or Nak).
> With home-made cassettes, I like to get the client in and have them control
> the speed adjust knob on my Nak MR-1 deck, to set the pitch where they're
> happy with it. It's interesting how many kids' recitals were recorded faster
> or slower than 1 7/8IPS, if one is to trust the client's sense of pitch. The
> same is true with old portable small-reel 3.75IPS machines, perhaps to an even
> greater extent. You get where you can tell if something is running slow or
> fast, just by the timbre of the voice or instrument.

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