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[ARSCLIST] shelving

For shelves 48" wide:

Go to Lowes.

They have plywood boards, 3/4 " wide, A/B grade, 2' by 4' at under $ 16.  Buy 1.  Have the guys who run the saw cut it in half.  You now have 2 12" by 48" boards.  

Buy another. Assuming you want 13" high shelves, have them cut the board into 3 13" pieces.  Discard the scrap.

Do this twice.

Buy a 4x8 sheet of 4x8 1/4" Luan (spelling) plywood. about $ 10.00.  Have them cut it into pieces  14-3/8" x 48" (13 + 3/4 + 3/4-1/8).  The 1/8" you subtract makes the back you are making from the Luan 1/8" shorter than the shelf height, leaving slack to adjust for squareness. This gives you six pieces. Discard the scrap.

To assemble, put a 48" long piece on top of a 13" piece at the end.  Nail or screw it in.  Do the same at the other end.  Turn the long U-shaped piece over.  Attach the other 48" piece the same way to the 13" pieces.  

Turn the square with one open side facing down.  Attach one of the 14" x 48" pieces to the back.  Use lots of short nails with big heads.

Now turn the open box so the open side faces you.  About half way down, insert the third 13" piece and affix it from the top and bottom.

You now have a record shelf.  Cost, $ 16 + $ 16 + 1.17 = $33.17.  A stack of 6 costs $ 200.  Make as many as you need. Finish to taste. 

They are easy to move, sturdy, and hold lots of records.

If you do a bunch at once, buy the full size sheet of 3/4" 4x8 plywood. You'll save $ 14 per sheet or $ 2.67 per unit.

Depending on the store and the friendliness of the sawperators, you'll get hit for $ .50 per cut beyond two cuts per sheet.

Don't use lower grades of plywood.  The record jackets will tear on the knots, etc.

Sand the edges facing out or you'll have a fine personal- very personal- collection of splinters.

Congratulations!  You now have enough record shelving to GO OUT AND BUY MORE.

Steve Smolian

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