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Re: [ARSCLIST] Scotch 200 box photograph -Del's Response

Mine Safety Apparatus ( MSA for short)  is still in business and manufactures SCBA ( Self Contained Breathing Appartus ) used by firefighters and others who operate in harsh environments. 
I was certified as an interior firefighter using an MSA airpack and learned some of the company history along the way..    

No connection to 3M as far as I know.. Replacement parts and cylinders were all ordered from MSA.

Bob Hodge  

>>> thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx 8/2/2006 10:58 AM >>>
You know,I saw a bunch of these at the local flea market about three weeks ago.I can pick them up,if anyone is interested.There were a number of box designs,here 
  is one is see the fewest of."The Scotchmen",yeah right.
   BTW.did 3m ever have any connection to an outfit called "Mine Safety Appliances" ?
  Roger Kulp

Lou Judson <loujudson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
  I'm sure I have a copy of one of those boxes deep in my archive, but 
would love to see it online. I did some googling and found a 
fascinating history of 3M, including a pdf of in-depth highlights of 
their history. Quite interesting for a few minutes exploration:

Click on the 3M story BOOK link to download the 8MB, 248 page pdf. 
Unfortunately the photo in question does not seem to appear anywhere on 
the site... Anyone have a link to it online?

Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio

On Aug 1, 2006, at 5:39 PM, David Lennick wrote:

> As I mentioned, I first saw that design in 1959. Anyone here remember 
> that 3M
> used to be "Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co"?
> dl

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