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Re: [ARSCLIST] Great article on Vintage Music On line in today's WSJ

The only link here that works for me is the collections Canada - is it possible to resend with <carets> or somehow links that work? I'd love to check some of them out... or is it just me and my Mac? I've never seen URLs with so many commas and quotations marks...



Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Jul 18, 2006, at 6:19 AM, Steve Ramm wrote:

There is a SUPER article in today's Wall Street Journal on Vintage Music
files on line. I knew about most but the Juneberry site and the Internet Archive
were new to me.

They are all MP3 files which you can play on line or download to your PC or
MP3 player. Here's the short article in it's entirely!

I'm posting to a number of places so sorry if you see it again.

July 18, 2006
Downloading Vintage Songs
July 18, 2006; Page D1
The Problem: Finding digital versions of vintage music.
The Solution: Some early popular music can be downloaded free.
The University of California, Santa Barbara's Cylinder Preservation &
Digitization Project Web site (_www.cylinders.library.ucsb.edu_
(javascript:OpenWin('http:// www.cylinders.library.ucsb.edu','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,
true);void('')) 1) has almost 6,600 songs. On his Juneberry78s.com site
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.juneberry78s.com/sounds/ index.htm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')
) 2), music collector Tom Morrison has posted some 2,200 songs from the
1920s and 1930s by rural Southern musicians.
The thousands of songs in the Library of Congress's American Memory archive
include 108 recordings from Emile Berliner
(javascript:OpenWin('http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/berlhtml/ berlhome.html','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')) 3), the
inventor of the gramophone. The Library and Archives Canada Virtual Gramophone
collection (_www.collectionscanada.ca/gramophone/index-e.html_
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.collectionscanada.ca/gramophone/index- e.html','','','','na+me+lo+sc
+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')) 4) has around 5,000 pre-1940 songs. And
the Internet Archive posts 793 songs from early 20th century 78 rpm records
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.archive.org/details/ 78rpm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')) 5).

-- Ian  Mount
URL for this article:

Hyperlinks in this Article:
_JAVASCRIPT:OpenWin('http:// www.cylinders.library.ucsb.edu','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0, true);void('')_
(javascript:OpenWin('http:// www.cylinders.library.ucsb.edu','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0, true);void(''))

_JAVASCRIPT:OpenWin('http://www.juneberry78s.com/sounds/ index.htm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')_
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.juneberry78s.com/sounds/ index.htm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,tr
_JAVASCRIPT:OpenWin('http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/berlhtml/ berlhome.html','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')_
(javascript:OpenWin('http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/berlhtml/ berlhome.html','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+'
_JAVASCRIPT:OpenWin('http://www.collectionscanada.ca/gramophone/index- e.html','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')_
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.collectionscanada.ca/gramophone/index- e.html','','','','na+me+lo+
_JAVASCRIPT:OpenWin('http://www.archive.org/details/ 78rpm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void('')_
(javascript:OpenWin('http://www.archive.org/details/ 78rpm','','','','na+me+lo+sc+re+st+',true,0,0,true);void(''))

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