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Re: [ARSCLIST] Classical Radio, was [ARSCLIST] Mercury co-founder Irving Green passes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> My own pet peeve is a news broadcast where they're talking to someone on a
satellite phone. The
> information is so inaudible as to be not worth hearing live. Why not have
a producer get the salient
> details and then read them over the air? Videophones are one step worse,
but cable news channels are
> the bottom dwellers in the brackish pond of broadcast journalism.
> Cellphones have introduced a whole new level of inaudibility to phone
conversations. I try to avoid
> them whenever possible.
Well, being about nine days older than dirt (and twice as polluted!) I
can recall back when international (usually European) reports were, I
always thought, transmitted by short-wave radio...complete with fading,
phasing problems and CW or RTTY QRM in the background...

Steven C. Barr

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