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Re: [ARSCLIST] Disposition of those bluegrass tapes

Whatever  happened to Brian Boyd's fine collection? It just seemed to

Bob Hodge


>>> dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx 6/27/2006 11:23 PM >>>
John Wilby and I emptied a 3-story house in Montreal on a hot June
Saturday in
2000..over 15,000 78s loaded into a truck he'd rented for the occasion
and which
proved to be larger than needed, so every available piece of shelving
was also
loaded into the truck to keep stuff from sliding and smashing. John
drove the
load back to Toronto the next morning with nary a problem (better he
than I).

HOT day..we sampled the wares of a couple of Quebec mini-breweries
afternoon. (This was the Walter de Mohrenschildt collection.)


phillip holmes wrote:

> Just write me in your will, Uncle Steven.  How much does 40,000 78s
> Would it take more than a 52' trailer?  I remember helping a friend
move a
> collection of at least 10,000 78s (lots of nice jazz--complete run of
> Note and Prestige 78s).  I filled the back of my mini truck and
nearly lost
> control when I went around the first corner.  I probably had twice
> recommended load (but it sure didn't look like much when I was
loading).  I
> swore off moving 78s in a passenger vehicle after that.  The next
time I'm
> using my 15' trailer or better.  I later helped the same guy close
down his
> store--a sad day.  We loaded one of those full size u-hauls with
> records.  In August.  In Texas.  I thought I was going to die.  When
I drive
> by the old place I start sweating.
> Phillip

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