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  GM also gives money to The Henry Ford (aka Henry Ford Museum, greenfield Village, Henry Ford Academy, Imax, Benson Ford Research Center) as well as various other companies (like Herman Miller, Inc.) and grants which runs the non-profit organization.  Without any of them, as most of us know, they couldn't exist nor could most of us.  

phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Sure, but money speaks louder than words, especially in big business.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Hodge" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Fw: GM Ads

> Don't equate the Henry Ford Museum with the Ford Motor Company.
> Although Ford Motor Company does provide funding which I'm sure is
> vital to their existence.
> The Ford Museum has nothing to do with what Ford manufactures.
> Bob Hodge
>>>> insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx 6/12/2006 4:40 PM >>>
> Ford. That's funny. Insult on injury. At least Ford can build a car
> I 
> want, the Mustang. On the other hand, that new Camaro looks pretty
> cool. 
> I've always been too big for a 'vette (6'3", 300lbs won't fit).
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "steven c" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 2:46 PM
> Subject: [ARSCLIST] Fw: GM Ads
>> Down at the end of this post is an e-mail I personally received from
> Ford
>> concerning the mention of the GM commercials...so SOMEONE wants
> them!
>> ...stevenc
>> http://users.interlinks.net/stevenc/ 
>> ===============================
>>> This was the response I got,a number of years ago,from Ford,and
>> Chevy,when I offered them some old Lps from the 50s.1953 radio
>> commercials,aindustrial musicals,and such.Not copies,but the actual
> LPs.
>> Roger Kulp
>> ========================
>> ---- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Tom Fine" I ping'd GM's investor
>>> relations and offered to GIVE them a digi-copy for their archives.
> They
>>> replied there IS NO ARCHIVES. What could be more valuable to a
> company
>>> that makes its bread from advertising a somewhat generic product --
> where
>>> the main point of difference is marketing -- than an archive of
> marketing
>>> so today's attention-challenged marketers might learn from past
> successes
>>> and mistakes? But, alas, very few companies have any corporate
> archives.
>>> One big exception is Coca-Cola, BTW, which has a paid corporate 
>>> historian.
>>> If GM does have an archive or a historian and the investor
> relations
>>> people -- to whom most random e-mails are funneled -- do not know
> about
>>> it, then that's totally dysfunctional.
>> ================================
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Terry Hoover" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 9:42 AM
>> Subject: GM Ads
>> Hi Steven, My name is Terry Hoover and I'm the archivist at The
> Henry
>> Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan. A fellow archivist sent me your
> post
>> regarding the GM material. Since we have a large collection of
>> automotive material we would be interested in providing a good home
> for
>> your commercials. We have some later video GM commercials but nothing
> as
>> early as the ones you have discovered so they would be a nice
> addition
>> for our researchers. Let me know if you haven't placed them yet.
>> Have a good day.

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